Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The Clemson AIAS and AIA Greenville are hosting a Firm Crawl on Wednesday, September 8th in downtown Greenville from roughly 1:30-5:30. Come tour these local firms and get to know their policies, work, and staff:

McMillan Pazdan Smith
Craig Gaulden Davis
Neal Prince Architects
Freeman & Major Architects
Batson Architects
Design Strategies

The theme is "getREAL" and the tour will feature question/answer time on a variety of topics.  Many of these firms employ Clemson graduates, so this is a great opportunity to learn about the real world of architecture in our area!  The first 60 AIAS members to sign up by 10pm Wednesday, September 1st will be accepted.  If you're not an AIAS member yet, see someone in the senior studio Wednesday to sign up! If you're already a member email aiasclemson@gmail.com with your name, year level, and major.  See you there!

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